Cost of Living and Energy Scams
Trading Standards are urging people to be on the alert for scams linked to the cost-of-living crisis. With the growing concern over energy bill prices, we want to avoid people wasting their limited resources on scammers.
Watch out for:
- Energy rebate offers – the £400 announced by the government will automatically be deducted from your bill over the next few months. You do not have to do anything! Don’t reply to calls, texts or emails asking for your details to ensure you receive it.
- Likewise, the £150 Disability Cost of living payment will be paid directly into their accounts, you do not have to do anything. Don’t respond to requests for you to register yourself for it.
- Watch out for doorstep callers or telephone offering to switch you to a cheaper tariff. Use a known comparison site or speak to your provider directly.
- Lots of people are selling ‘energy saving devices’, that claim to reduce the electricity used by other devices. Many of these have been found to be unsafe and have no energy saving properties. For energy saving tips visit: Quick tips to save energy at home – Energy Saving Trust